Research Group for Combustion
Hong Kong
Journal Publications (under review)
X. Xia, Y. Chi, and P. Zhang*, Scaling Law Breaking in Unequal-size Droplet Coalescence, Physical Review Letter (under review)​​
C. Zhang, Z. Zhang*, P. Zhang* , J. Zhou and C. Zhao, Flattening-Off of Droplet Bouncing Trend under High Ambient Gas Pressures, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (under review)
Q. Meng, Y. Chi, L. Zhang, and P. Zhang*, Barrierless reaction investigated with Vairational Transition State Theory/ Master equations accounts for the undefined products of benzyl decomposition, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (under review)
W. Xu, T, Yang, and P. Zhang*, Dimensionality Reduction and Dynamical Mode Recognition of Circular Arrays of Flame Oscillators Using Deep Neural Network (to be submitted). arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.02462.
T. Yang, Y. Ma, and P. Zhang, Computational Investigation on Collective Dynamical Behaviors of Flickering Laminar Buoyant Diffusion Flames in Circular Arrays, Combustion and Flame (under review) arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.02018.
Journal Publications (2025)
113. J. Wang, K. Sun*, T. Wang, P. Zhang*. Computational Realization of Popping Impinging Sprays of Hypergolic Bipropellants by a Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach. Energy 2025, 317, 134725. PaperLink
112. W. Wang, Z. Hu, P. Zhang*, Computational Investigation on the Formation of Liquid-fueled Oblique Detonation Waves. Combustion and Flame 2025, 271, 113839. PaperLink
111. W. Xu, T. Yang, P. Zhang*, Dynamical Mode Recognition of Coupled Flame Oscillators by Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approaches. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2025 307,112683. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.17801. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2024)
110. J. Bai, X. Zhang, C. W. Zhou, P. Zhang, H. Zhao*, Theoretical studies of supercritical real-fluid oxidations of diverse fuels by using the 3rd-order virial equation of state with nonlinear effects. Combustion and Flame 2024, 270, 113728. PaperLink
109. K. Wu, P. Zhang, R. M. Galassi, X. Fan*. The Role of Low/high-temperature Chemistry in Computationally Reproducing Flame Stabilization Modes of Hydrogen-fueled Supersonic Combustion. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 269, 113711. PaperLink
108. S. Wang, S. Qiu, X. Li*, P. Zhang*, Modeling Non-monotonic Variation of Plume Angle with Superheat Index of Flash Boiling Spray. Energy, 2024,132515. PaperLink
107. J. Bai, D. Liu,L. Zhang, P. Zhang*. Theoretical Study of the Second- and Third-H-abstraction Reactions of Monomethylhydrazine and Nitrogen Dioxide and its Application to Hypergolic Ignition Modeling. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 268, 13617. PaperLink
106. L. Yang, X. Liu, T. Yang, P. Zhang. Rebound of Oscillating Droplets on Non-superhydrophobic Surfaces, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2024, 178, 104901. PaperLink
105. W. Wang, M. Yang, Z. Hu*, P. Zhang*, A Dynamic Droplet Breakup Model for Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Liquid-fueled Detonation, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024, 151, 109271. PaperLink
104. Q. Zhang, Z. Hu, J. Zhu, P. Zhang*, and X. Lu*, Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation and validating experiment of n-butanol/biodiesel dual-fuel impinging sprays. Fuel, 2024, 368, 131592. PaperLink
103. Y. Chi, H. Pan*, Q. Meng, L. Zhang, P. Zhang. An ONIOM-Based High-Level Thermochemistry Study on Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions of Large Straight-Chain Alkanes by Hydrogen, Hydroxyl, and Hydroperoxyl Radicals. Symmetry, 2024, 16(3), 367. PaperLink
102. T. Yang, Y. Ma, P. Zhang*. Dynamical Behavior of Small-Scale Buoyant Diffusion Flames in Externally Swirling Flows. Symmetry, 2024, 16(3), 292. PaperLink
101. L. Yang*, X. Liu, J. Wang, P. Zhang*, An Experimental Study on Complete Droplet Rebound from Soft Surfaces: Critical Weber Numbers, Maximum Spreading, and Contact Time. Langmuir, 2024, 40, 4, 2165–2173. PaperLink
100. Y. Chi, Z. Hu, T. Yang, P. Zhang*, Synchronization Modes of Triple Flickering Buoyant Diffusion Flames: Experimental Identification and Model Interpretation. Physical Review E, 2024, 109(2), 024211. PaperLink
99. C. Liu, K. Wu*, P. Zhang, X. Jun, Gas-liquid Twin-fluid Atomization from Non-circular Orifices, Phys. Fluids (Accepted).
98. C. He, Z. He, P. Zhang*, Droplet Collision of Hypergolic Propellants, Droplet, 2024, 3 (2), e116. PaperLink
97. Y. Leng, C. He*, Q. Wang, Z. He*, N. Simms, P. Zhang, Symmetry-Breaking-Induced Internal Mixing Enhancement of Droplet Collision, Symmetry, 2024, 16(1), 47. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2023)
96. Y. Li, C. Tang*, P. Zhang, Effect of high-frequency jet velocity perturbations on impinging jets atomization characteristics, Physics of Fluids, 35(2023), 102105.
95. C. He, W. Luo, P. Zhang, Z. He, and L. Yue*, Spray Combustion Characteristics of a Gas-liquid Printle Injector with Variable Swirl Intensities, Physics of Fluids, 35(2023) 097111.
94. T. Yang and P. Zhang*, Faster Flicker of Buoyant Diffusion Flames by Weakly Rotatory Flows, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 37 (6), 781-798. PaperLink
93. C. He, Z. He, and P. Zhang*, Oblique bouncing of a droplet from a non-slip boundary: computational realization and application of self-spin droplets. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, (2023) 104548. PaperLink
92. Q. Zhang, P. Zhang*, Y. Chi, T. Yang, J. Zhu, and X. Lu*, Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation and validating experiment of n-butanol/biodiesel dual-fuel impinging sprays. Fuel, 350(2023) 128761. PaperLink
91. S. Ray, P. Zhang*, and S. Cheng*, Mathematical modeling of puffing and microexplosion in emulsified fuel droplets containing several bubbles: A case study on n-dodecane/water droplet. Fuel, 345(2023), 128195. PaperLink
90. C. Liu, C. Tang, Q. Ma, Z. Huang, P. Zhang, and F. Zhang, Experimental and Analytical Study on the Liquid Film by Jet–Wall Impingement. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, (2023) 1-9. PaperLink
89. S. Ray, Y. Chi, P. Zhang*, and S. Cheng*, Head-on collision of unequal-size droplets on a wetting surface. Phys. Fluids, 35(2023) 022114. PaperLink
88. D. Zhang*, D. Yu*, P. Zhang, Y. Yuen, and X. Fan, Hypergolic ignition induced by head-on collision of bi-propellant droplets: Monoethanolamine-based fuel and hydrogen peroxide, Fuel, 342(2023) 127788. PaperLink
87. C. He, P. Zhang, Z. He, and L. Yue*, Analysis of spray characteristics of a jet-film injection element based on Voronoi tessellation, Acta Astronaut., 206(2023) 100-113. PaperLink
86. Y. Chi, T. Yang and P. Zhang*, Dynamical Mode Recognition of Triple Flickering Buoyant Diffusion Flames in Wasserstein Space, Combust. Flame, 248 (2023) 112526. PaperLink
85. T. Yang, Y. Chi, and P. Zhang*, Vortex Interaction in Triple Flickering Buoyant Diffusion Flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39(2023) 1893-1903. PaperLink
84. Y. Yang, H.Zhang, X. Xia*, P. Zhang, and F. Qi, An experimental study of the blue whirl onset, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39(2023) 3705-3714. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2022)
83. C. Liu, J. Yu, C. Tang*, P. Zhang, and Z. Huang, Experimental and theoretical investigation on the liquid film behaviors by an inclined jet-wall impingement, Phys. Fluids 34(2022) 112107. PaperLink
82. Y. Chi, Q. Meng, C. He, and P. Zhang*, Metric-Based Assessment Method for MS-T Formalism with Small Subsets of Torsional Conformers, J. Phys. Chem. A, 126(2022) 8305−8314. PaperLink
81. H. Fu, Z. Huang, C. Tang*, and P. Zhang, Effect of mixer structure on liquid film formation and NOx conversion efficiency in Selective Catalytic Reduction system, Fuel 330 (2022) 125405. PaperLink
80. K. Wu, P. Zhang, and X. Fan*, On jet-wake flame stabilization in scramjet: A LES/RANS study from chemical kinetic and fluid-dynamical perspectives, Aerospace Science and Technology, 120 (2022) 107255. PaperLink
79. J. Bai, H. Zhao*, C. Zhou, and P. Zhang, Theoretical Studies of Real-Fluid Oxidation of Hydrogen Under Supercritical Conditions by Using the Virial Equation of State, Combust. Flame, 243 (2022) 111945. PaperLink
78. C. He, L. Yue, and P. Zhang*, Spin-affected reflexive and stretching separation of off-center droplet collision, Physical Review Fluids 7, 013603 (2022). PaperLink
77. M. Qin, T. Yang, Y. Song, C. Tang*, and P. Zhang, Subpatterns of thin-sheet splash of a droplet impact on a heated surface, Langmuir 2022, 38, 810-817. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2021)
76. T. Huang, Q. Zhang, L. Yue*, P. Zhang, and X. Chang, Hysteresis of shock train movement in a Mach 3 isolator with a ramp, AIAA Journal Vol. 59, No. 10, 3873-3882, October 2021. PaperLink
75. C. He, Y. Chi, and P. Zhang*, Approximate Reconstruction of Torsional Potential Energy Surface based on Voronoi Tessellation, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2021) 757-766. 23, 4658. PaperLink
74. M. Yang, C. Liao, C. Tang*, P. Zhang, and Z. Huang, Theoretical studies on the initial reaction kinetics and mechanisms of p-, m- and o-nitrotoluene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021. PaperLink
73. K. Sun*, F. Jia, P. Zhang, L. Shu and T. Wang, Marangoni effect in bi-propellant droplet mixing, Physical Review Applied, 15, 034076 (2021). PaperLink
72. M. Yang, C. Liao, C. Tang*, P. Zhang, and Z. Huang, The auto-ignition behaviors and risk assessments of double-base propellant containing different 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene particle sizes under rapid heating, Combustion and Flame 234 (2021) 111627. PaperLink
71. C. He, L. Yue, and P. Zhang*, A Computational Model for Spinning Effects on Post-collision Velocities of Bouncing Droplets, Atomization and Sprays, 31(10):43-61 (2021). PaperLink
70. L. Yang, Z. Li, T. Yang, Y. Chi and P. Zhang*, Experimental Study on Droplet Splash and Receding Breakup on a Smooth Surface at Atmospheric Pressure, Langmuir 2021, 37, 10838-10848. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2020)
​69. C. He and P. Zhang*, Non-axisymmetric flow characteristics in head-on collision of spinningdroplets, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 113601, (2020). PaperLink
68. Q. Meng, L. Zhang, Y. Chi, Q. Chen, and P. Zhang*, Influence of Torsional Anharmonicity on the Reactions of Methyl Butanoate with Hydroperoxyl Radical, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020, 124, 8643-8652. PaperLink
67. F. Jia, K. Sun*, P. Zhang, C. Yin, and T. Wang, Marangoni effect on the impact of droplets onto a liquid-gas interface, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 073605, (2020). PaperLink
66. T. Huang, L. Yue*, S. Ma, Q. Zhang, P. Zhang, and X. Chang, Numerical investigation on flow nonuniformity-induced hysteresis in the scramjet isolator, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2020), 33(12): 3176-3188. PaperLink
65. X. Zhu, X. Xia and P. Zhang*, Stability of Buoyant Inverse Diffusion Methane Flames with Confinement Effects, Combustion Science and Technology, 2020, Vol. 192, No. 9, 1650-1667. PaperLink
64. M. Qin, C. Tang*, Y. Guo, P. Zhang, and Z. Huang, Spreading and Bouncing of Liquid Alkane Droplets upon Impacting on a Heated Surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 159 (2020), 120076. PaperLink
63. Q. Meng, B. Feng, L. Zhang*, P. Zhang* and L. Sheng, Theoretical Chemical Kinetics for Catalytic Pyrolysis of Methyl Acetate over H-ZSM-5 Zeolites, Fuel, 277 (2020), 118101. PaperLink
62. M. Qin, C. Tang*, Y. Guo, P. Zhang, and Z. Huang, Sub-patterns of thin sheet splash on a smooth surface, Langmuir, 2020, 36(18), 4917-4922. PaperLink
61. C. He, X. Xia, P. Zhang*, Vortex-Dynamical Implications of Nonmonotonic Viscous Dissipation of Off-center Droplet Bouncing, Physics of Fluids 32, 032004 (2020). PaperLink
60. Q. Meng, X. Lin, Y. Zhai, L. Zhang*, P. Zhang* and L. Sheng, A theoretical investigation on BellEvans-Polanyi correlations for hydrogen abstraction reactions of large biodiesel molecules by H and OH radicals, Combustion and Flame, 214, (2020) 396-406. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2019)
59. Z. Feng, C. Tang*, Y. Yin, P. Zhang* and Z. Huang, Time-resolved droplet size and velocity distributions in a dilute regions of a high-pressure pulsed diesel spray, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 133 (2019) 745-755. PaperLink
58. J. Wu, H. Ning, L. Ma, P. Zhang and W. Ren*, Cascaded group-additivity ONIOM: a new method to approach CCSD(T)/CBS energies of large aliphatic hydrocarbons, Combustion and Flame 201(2019) 31-43. PaperLink
57. Y. Li*, P. Zhang*, N. Kang and F. Liu, Rayleigh-Taylor instability on a spherical droplet with nonradial disturbances, Applied Mathematical Modelling 67 (2019) 634-644. PaperLink
56. K. Wu, P. Zhang*, W. Yao* and X. Fan, Computational realization of multiple flame stabilization modes in DLR strut-injection hydrogen supersonic combustor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2019) 3685-3692. PaperLink
55. Q. Meng, Y. Chi, L. Zhang*, P. Zhang* and L. Sheng, Towards high-level theoretical studies of large biodiesel molecules: an ONIOM/RRKM/Master-equation approach to the isomerization and dissociation kinetics of methyl decanoate radicals, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (2019), 5232-5242. PaperLink
54. Y. Wu, M. Yang, C. Tang*, Y. Liu, P. Zhang, Z. Huang, Promoting “adiabatic core” approximation in a rapid compression machine by an optimized creviced piston design, Fuel 251 (2019) 328-340. PaperLink
53. T. Yang, X. Xia, and P. Zhang*, Vortex-dynamical interpretation of anti-phase and in-phase flickering of dual buoyant diffusion flames, Physical Review Fluids 4, 053202 (2019). PaperLink
52. C. He, X. Xia, and P. Zhang*, Non-monotonic Viscous Dissipation of Bouncing Droplets undergoing Off-center Collision, Physics of Fluids 31, 052004 (2019). PaperLink
51. M. Qin, C. Tang*, S. Tong, Y. Guo, X. Weng, P. Zhang* and Z. Huang, On the role of liquid viscosity in affecting droplet spreading on a smooth solid surface, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 117 (2019) 53-63. PaperLink
50. D. Zhang, D. Yu, P. Zhang*, Y. Yuan, L. Yue, T. Zhang and X. Fan, Hypergolic Ignition Modulated by Head-on Collision, Intermixing and Convective Cooling of Binary Droplets with Varying Sizes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 139 (2019) 475-481. PaperLink
49. X. Xia, C. He and P. Zhang*, Universality in the viscous-to-inertial coalescence of liquid droplets, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2019 116 (47) 23467-23472. PaperLink
48. Z. Zhang and P. Zhang*, Numerical interpretation to the roles of liquid viscosity in droplet spreading at small Weber numbers, Langmuir 2019, 35, 16164-16171. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2018)
47. Y. Li*, P. Zhang* and N. Kang, Linear analysis on the interfacial instability of a spherical liquid droplet subject to a radial vibration, Physical of Fluids 30, 102104 (2018). PaperLink
46. Z. Zhang and P. Zhang*, Modelling kinetic energy dissipation of bouncing droplets for Lagrangian simulation of impinging sprays under high ambient pressures, Atomization and Sprays, 28(8):673-694 (2018). PaperLink
45. X. Xia and P. Zhang*, A vortex-dynamical scaling theory for flickering buoyant diffusion flames, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2018) vol. 855, pp.1156-1169. PaperLink
44. D. Zhang, C. He, P. Zhang* and C. Tang, Mass Interminglement and Hypergolic Ignition of TMEDA and WFNA Droplets by Off-center Collision, Combustion and Flame 197(2018) 276-289. PaperLink
43. Z. Zhang, P. Zhang*and Z. Zhao, Cross-Impingement and Combustion of Sprays in High-Pressure Chamber and Opposed-piston Compression Ignition Engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 144 (2018) 137-146. PaperLink
42. L. Zhang, Q. Meng, Y. Chi and P. Zhang*,Toward High-Level Theoretical Studies of Large Biodiesel Molecules: An ONIOM [QCISD(T)/CBS:DFT] Study of the Reactions between Unsaturated Methyl Esters (CnH2n−1COOCH3) and Hydrogen Radical. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122 (2018) 4882-4893. PaperLink
41. Q. Meng, X. Zhao, L. Zhang*, P. Zhang*, and L. Sheng, A theoretical kinetics study on low-temperature reactions of methyl acetate radicals with molecular oxygen. Combustion and Flame, 196 (2018) 66-75. PaperLink
40. X. Zhu, X. Xia, and P. Zhang*, Near-field Flow Stability of Buoyant Methane/Air Inverse Diffusion Flames. Combustion and Flame, 191 (2018) 66-75. PaperLink
39. D. Yu and P. Zhang*, Circulation-controlled firewhirl with differential diffusion.Combustion and Flame, 189 (2018) 288–299. PaperLink
38. L.Y. Yue, Y. Jia, X. Xu, X. Zhang, and P. Zhang, Effects of Cowl Shock on the Self-starting Characteristics of Hypersonic Inlets. Aerospace Science and Technology, 74 (2018) 72-80. PaperLink
37. K. Sun, P. Zhang, Z. Che, and T. Wang, Marangoni-flow-induced partial coalescence of a droplet on a liquid/air interface. Physical Review Fluids 3, 023602 (2018). PaperLink
36. K. Sun, P. Zhang*, M. Jia, and T. Wang, Collision-induced jet-like mixing for droplets of unequal-sizes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 120 (2018) 218-227. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2017)
35. X. Xia, C. He, J. Zhao, D. Yu, and P. Zhang*, Vortex-Ring-Induced Internal Mixing Upon the Coalescence of Initially Stationary Droplets.Physical Review Fluids, 2, 113607 (2017). PaperLink
34. Z. Zhang and P. Zhang*, Kinetic Energy Recovery and Interface Hysteresis of Bouncing Droplets after Inelastic Head-on Collision, Physics of Fluids, 2017. 29, 103306. PaperLink
33. K. Wu, P. Zhang*, W. Yao, and X. Fan, Numerical Investigation onFlame Stablization in DLR Hydrogen Supersonic Combustor with Strut Injection.Combustion Science and Technology, 2017.189(12): p. 2154-2179. PaperLink
32. Z. Zhang, P. Zhang*, and Z. Zhao, Impingement and Combustion of Sprays in a Model Opposed-Piston Compression Ignition Engine.Combustion Science and Technology, 2017. 189(11): p.1943-1965. PaperLink
31. C. Tang, X. Zhang, L. Song, M. Qin, P. Zhang, J. Li and Z. Huang, Dynamics of droplet impact on solid surface with hierarchical roughness. International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 96: p. 56–69. PaperLink
30. D. Yu and P. Zhang*, On the flame height of circulation-controlled firewhirl with variable density and in power-law vortices: a mass-diffusivity-ratio model correction.Combustion and Flame, 2017. 182: p. 36–47. PaperLink
29. D. Yu and P. Zhang*, On the flame height of circulation-controlled firewhirls with variable density.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017. 36(2): p. 3097-3104. PaperLink
28. Y. Yuan, T. Zhang, W. Yao, X. Fan*, and P. Zhang,Characterization of flame stabilization modes in an ethylene-fueled supersonic combustor using time-resolved CH* chemiluminescence.Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017. 36(2): p. 2919-2925. PaperLink
27. L. Shi, H. Shen, P. Zhang, D. Zhang, and C. Wen, Assessment of vibrational non-equilibrium effect on detonation cell size.Combustion Science and Technology, 2017. 189(5): p. 841-853. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2016)
26. C.L. Tang, J.Q. Zhao, P. Zhang*, C.K. Law*, and Z.H. Huang, Dynamics of internal jets in the merging of two droplets of unequal sizes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016. 795: p. 671-689. PaperLink
25. Z. Zhang, Y. Chi, L. Shang, P. Zhang*, and Z. Zhao, On the role of droplet bouncing in modeling impinging sprays under elevated pressures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016. 102: p. 657-668. PaperLink
24. D. Zhang, P. Zhang*, Y. Yuan, and T. Zhang, Hypergolic Ignition by Head-on Collision of N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine and White Fuming Nitric Acid Droplets. Combustion and Flame, 2016. 173: p. 276-287. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2015)
23. K. Sun, P. Zhang*, C.K. Law*, and T.Y. Wang, Collision Dynamics and Internal Mixing of Droplets of Non-Newtonian Liquids. Physical Review Applied, 2015. 4(5). PaperLink
22. K. Sun, T.Y. Wang, P. Zhang*, and C.K. Law, Non-Newtonian flow effects on the coalescence and mixing of initially stationary droplets of shear-thinning fluids. Physical Review E, 2015. 91(2). PaperLink
21. P. Zhang*, L.D. Zhang, and C.K. Law, Density functional theory study of the reactions of 2-azido-N,N-dimethylethanamine with nitric acid and nitrogen dioxide. Combustion and Flame, 2015. 162(1): p. 237-248. PaperLink
20. X.R. Zhu, R.F. Li*, D.G. Li*, P. Zhang*, and R.Z. Qian, Experimental study and RANS calculation on velocity and temperature of a kerosene-fueled swirl laboratory combustor with and without centerbody air injection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015. 89: p. 964-976. PaperLink
19. Y.C. Li, R.F. Li*, D.G. Li*, J.Y. Bao, and P. Zhang*, Combustion characteristics of a slotted swirl combustor: An experimental test and numerical validation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015. 66: p. 140-147. PaperLink
18. L.D. Zhang and P. Zhang*, Towards high-level theoretical studies of large biodiesel molecules: an ONIOM [QCISD(T)/CBS:DFT] study of hydrogen abstraction reactions of CnH2n+1COOCmH2m+1 + H. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015. 17(1): p. 200-208. PaperLink
17. L.D. Zhang, Q.X. Chen, and P. Zhang*, A theoretical kinetics study of the reactions of methylbutanoate with hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015. 35: p. 481-489. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2014)
16. P. Zhang*, S.J. Klippenstein*, L.B. Harding, H.Y. Sun, and C.K. Law, Secondary channels in the thermal decomposition of monomethylhydrazine (CH3NHNH2). RSC Advances, 2014. 4(108): p. 62951-62964. PaperLink
15. T.C. Zhang, J. Wang, X.J. Fan*, and P. Zhang, Combustion of Vaporized Kerosene in Supersonic Model Combustors with Dislocated Dual Cavities. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2014. 30(5): p. 1152-1160. PaperLink
14. T.C. Zhang, J. Wang, L. Qi, X.J. Fan*, and P. Zhang, Blowout Limits of Cavity-Stabilized Flame of Supercritical Kerosene in Supersonic Combustors. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2014. 30(5): p. 1161-1166. PaperLink
Journal Publications (2013)
13. P. Zhang, S.J. Klippenstein*, and C.K. Law, Ab Initio Kinetics for the Decomposition of Hydroxybutyl and Butoxy Radicals of n-Butanol. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2013. 117(9): p. 1890-1906. PaperLink
12. D. Liu, P. Zhang*, C.K. Law, and Y.C. Guo, Collision dynamics and mixing of unequal-size droplets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013. 57(1): p. 421-428. PaperLink
Journal Publications (Before 2013)
11. H.Y. Sun, P. Zhang, and C.K. Law, Ab Initio Kinetics for Thermal Decomposition of CH3N·NH2, cis-CH3NHN·H, trans-CH3NHN·H, and C·H2NNH2 Radicals. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012. 116(33): p. 8419-8430. PaperLink
10. H.Y. Sun, P. Zhang, and C.K. Law, Gas-Phase Kinetics Study of Reaction of OH Radical with CH3NHNH2 by Second-Order Multireference Perturbation Theory. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012. 116(21): p. 5045-5056. PaperLink
9. S.W. Yoo, S. Chaudhuri, K.R. Sacksteder, P. Zhang, D.L. Zhu, and C.K. Law, Response of spherical diffusion flames subjected to rotation: Microgravity experimentation and computational simulation. Combustion and Flame, 2012. 159(2): p. 665-672. PaperLink
8. C. Tang, P. Zhang, and C.K. Law, Bouncing, coalescence, and separation in head-on collision of unequal-size droplets. Physics of Fluids, 2012. 24(2). PaperLink
7. P. Zhang and C.K. Law, An analysis of head-on droplet collision with large deformation in gaseous medium. Physics of Fluids, 2011. 23(4). PaperLink
6. P. Zhang and C.K. Law, A Fitting Formula for the Falloff Curves of Unimolecular Reactions, II: Tunneling Effects. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2011. 43(1): p. 31-42. PaperLink
5. P. Zhang, S.J. Klippenstein, H.Y. Sun, and C.K. Law, Ab initio kinetics for the decomposition of monomethylhydrazine (CH3NHNH2). Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2011. 33: p. 425-432. PaperLink
4. P. Zhang and C.K. Law, Rarefied flow effects on stabilization and extinction of rotating-disk flame at low pressures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010. 53(1-3): p. 475-481. PaperLink
3. T.C. Zhang, P. Zhang, C.K. Law, and F. Qi, CVD in Weakly Rarefied Rotating Disk Flows. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2009. 15(10-12): p. 274-280. PaperLink
2. P. Zhang and C.K. Law, A Fitting Formula for the Falloff Curves of Unimolecular Reactions. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2009. 41(11): p. 727-734. PaperLink
1. P. Zhang and C.K. Law, Role of the Knudsen layer in determining surface reaction rates based on sticking coefficients. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2009. 634: p. 113-135. PaperLink
Journal Publications (In Chinese)
7. Q. Wu, Y. Li, N. Kang, and P. Zhang, Secondary Breakup Analysis of Spherical Oil Droplets Under Time-Dependent Inertial Force, Neiranji Xuebao/Transations of CSICE, 2019, Vol. 37, Issue 6, Pages 56.​
6. Y. Chi and P. Zhang*, High-level Theoretical Thermochemistry Study Review on Large Gaseous Fuel Molecules. Physics of Gases, 2019, 4(5):32-42.
5. C. He and P. Zhang*, Binary Droplet Collision in Gasesous Environment. SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 2017. 47(7): 070013. (invited review paper)
4. P. Zhang* and G. Yu, Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a liquid drop at high Bond numbers. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2006. 38(3): p. 1-7.
3. Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, S. Xu, and P. Zhang, Numerical investigation on blast wave propagation and dynamic response of an explosion vessel. Explosion and Shock Waves, 2003. 23(4): p. 331-336.
2. P. Zhang and G. Yu, Study of one-dimensional flow analysis model of the combustor in supersonic combustion experiments. Experiments and Measurements in Fluid Mechanics 2003. 17(1): p. 88-92.
1. P. Yue, S. Xu, and P. Zhang, Numerical study on a moving shock diffracted over the cylinder/square column in hydrogen air mixture. Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 2001. 18(1): p. 10-16.​